Jul 31, 2019
You do NOT need to hire an affiliate manager to run your affiliate program. That is a myth! Now, don’t get me wrong. There will be a day when it makes sense to hire someone. I mean…that’s exactly what people hire us to do…and they pay us a LOT of money. BUT to start with, you need to do this yourself. You can get MOST of the results with none of the expenditures. Today, I share why you don't need an affiliate manager and how to run your own program (and WHY you should!).
How to Find Affiliates: The Ultimate Guide - mattmcwilliams.com/findaffiliates
Ask Me a Question here: http://www.asktheaffiliateguy.com/
All our recommended affiliate programs: http://www.mattmcwilliams.com/whatsup
Your First 100 Affiliates Report: http://www.mattmcwilliams.com/first100
Take our Affiliate Marketing Survey: http://www.mattmcwilliams.com/affsurvey